Mass Storage

Mass Storage with high operational reliability.

With High Operational Reliability

SSDs (Solid State Disks) have replaced the earlier systems based on magnetic drives as mass storage devices. Due to their higher operational reliability by eliminating mechanical components, SSDs have been able to compensate for their initial disadvantages such as high costs. Advantages such as short access times and a rapid increase in storage capacity have favored the massive spread of SSDs.

The growing demand for storage media for video, audio and process data has also led to a wide range of SSDs for industrial applications. Today, storage media with capacities ranging from 64GB to 16TB and beyond are produced. Also the industrial temperature range and high data security in compact housing sizes are no obstacles for the use of SSDs.

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Your Contact Person

Achim Stahl is product manager for active components.
Achim Stahl Product Manager +49 891 301 438-14 E-MAIL


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