Quality Management


And Approved

This image represents a quality assurance concept.

Strong Focus on Customers Satisfaction

The satisfaction of our customers is very important to us, which is why CODICO strives for lasting and trust-based relationships with customers and suppliers alike. We are committed to continually improve our reputation as a competent and reliable partner. To achieve this, we focus on maintaining a comprehensive quality orientation and highest service standards in all segments of our business.

Since initial certification in 1995, we have continually improved our quality management system, to include recurring system audits. CODICO has been ISO 9001:2015 certified since May 2016.

Our ISO-Certificate

Our ISO Certificate

To learn more about our ISO 9001:2015 certificate download the file below.

Your Contact

If you have any questions about CODICO's Quality Management or our ISO certification, you are welcome to approach our Quality Manager:

Petra Landschau is head of qualitymanagement and front office
Petra Landschau Head of Qualitymanagement & Front Desk +43 186 305-169 E-MAIL