MP6615 - 40V/8A Automotive Qualified Motor-Driver
With MPQ6615-AEC1 MPS is presenting a Full-Bridge DC motor driver for automotive user cases.
MPSACCONEER XM126 - New IoT Module Based on A121 in the Pipeline
ACCONEER is developing the XM126 a low-power radar module with the A121 pulsed coherent radar sensor.
ACCONEERNew RB1 and RB2 Robotics Devices from QUALCOMM
QUALCOMM unveiled two new robotics platforms to complement their existing roadmap of highly integrated devices.
QUALCOMMFFC Cables and Connectors from CVILUX for Optimised Applications
CVILUX produces perfectly matched FFC cables (Flat Flexible Cable) and connectors.
CVILUXDownsizing With Smart High-Performers from ISABELLENHÜTTE
Smart shunt solutions from ISABELLENHÜTTE help to optimise the system costs of body control modules.
The new Step-Down Micro DC/DC from TOREX is based on the XC9276 series and includes a VSET function.
TOREXUltra-Compact Wi-Fi6 and Bluetooth 5.1 Module FCM360W
QUECTEL´s FCM360W is versatile and offers a blend of processing power, connectivity and security.
QUECTEL22V, 3A, Peak, 3-Phase BLDC Driver with 1MHz Digital Interface
MPS introduces MP6546 - a 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor driver for gimbal applications.
MPSRED-BEET 2.0 - QCA Based PLC Module
RED-BEET-X 2.0 from 8DEVICES is a universal powerline communication module.
8DEVICESMPS' MCS1806 Current Sensor
MPS' presents a linear hall-effect current sensor for AC or DC current sensing. READ MORE!
MPSHigh Speed USB4 Solution
Power load, tunneling USB, PCIe® data transfer and DP video and audio capability - all comibined in a single TYPE C connector from AMPHENOL CS' Thunderbolt 4-compatible USB4 connectors.
RUBYCON’s Game Changer HPB Series
New high-voltage PMLCAP from RUBYCON replaces DC-link film capacitors, is up to 45% smaller and offers many advantages such as higher heat resistance.
RUBYCONReliable High Power Density Unit (700W) Power Supply
COSEL has combined the latest power switching topologies, complementing the existing 300W and 500W range.
COSELNew Multimedia SoCs for Audio, Video and ML/AI Processing
Multimedia SoCs VS680 and VS640 from SYNAPTICS for optimised ML/AI applications.
SYNAPTICSSmall as an IC but Still Isolated
MIE1W0505BGLVH from MPS supports applications with an input voltage of 3V to 5.5V (VIN).
MPSWi-Fi6 Radio Module in Mini-PCIe Form Factor
Wi-Fi6 PCIe radio modules from 8DEVICES are very well known in the market under the name Pineapple and are offered since 2020.
8DEVICESNIDEC ADVANCED MOTOR Launches Dust- and Water-Proof Quiet Fans
The new D1225R fan series from NIDEC is perfect for harsh outdoor applications.
NIDEC ADVANCED MOTORLow DCR and High Current Carrying Capacity
EATON's HFW family of next generation high current flat wire inductors impresses with high performance.
EATON ELECTRONICSStrong & Miniaturised Hybrid Capacitors from PANASONIC
PANASONIC Industry introduces the new ZTU series with exceptional reliability and ruggedness for any demanding application.
PANASONICAG9900 Modules now Available in Tape & Reel Packaging
The Golden Block miniaturised IEEE802.3af series allows improved thermal coupling between the module and the carrier PCB.